Elevating the Growth of YOU and...Your Business
My Chief Wellness Officer
A company dedicated to bringing cutting edge, conscious, engagement leadership skills to both your home and work life. We have a number of additional services that can be provided to you and/or your organization if there is a desire to move your life or business forward in a conscious manner.
What we DO:
No matter if you are a one-man (or woman) show, a start up, a medium sized organization going through accelerated growth or a multi-national company that is wanting to take care of their Leadership… happier and healthier employees deliver a shockingly positive and progressive ROI. We understand that the concept of bringing on a Chief Wellness Officer (CWO) is most likely a new idea for you. You probably have almost no idea what a CWO can provide to your company.
Well, think about having a dedicated person that is looking out for the overall health and wellness of your organization on all levels. Someone that is looking at the foundation of the company of your business from the outside in. Someone that is not caught up in the everyday workings of the company and can see things that might be impossible for you to see because you are caught up in the day-to-day function of your business. Someone whose sole focus is the growth of the business on all levels. Strategic, Financial, Leadership, Culture, Engagement, Communication, and more. Having a fractional CWO is like having another partner in your business without giving up ownership or options. Think of the benefit of having someone like this in your organization. How might this affect your bottom line?
Think of us as a guiding voice, a skilled mentor or success coach. Someone that will “tell it like it is”. A helping hand to bring your awareness to your personal and professional “blindspots”. A coach that you can trust to help you explore ALL area of your business. Someone that is looking at the bottom line as well as the top line of the employee’s overall engagement. Being there to support the leadership of the company… no matter how big or small the business. Designing company initiatives to scale and grow on all levels. Helping teach and train your team with specially designed workshops and personal sessions to help you be the best leader possible and so much more.
By bringing in a Chief Wellness Officer, you now have another executive team member whose job it is to think about the overall “wholistic” health of the business. Someone that will encourage you to find the leaky holes in your finances. Help you go through your system, controls and procedures to check for inefficiencies. Work with you to find any “blindspots” at work or at home that could be causing you to be out of balance in any way. We find that when your team sees YOUR improvement – they want to be a part of it too. It starts with you and YOUR wellness, which continues to your team members and all the way down to the warehouse floor. The physical, psychological, emotional, mental, creative, motivational wellness of a company can always use a bit of a tune up.
“The National Institute of Stress shows that “STRESS in workplace” costs American companies over 300 Billion a year in lost productivity and sick days. This is something that will have an immediate effect on the profitability of the company.”
Praxis Leadership Academy – Public trainings and/or closed corporate groups:
Our core leadership work which is a unique leadership training that turns managers into conscious, engaging leaders. Take a look at the information on our website. PraxisLeadershipAcademy.com
Praxis Project -
Public trainnings for Entrepreneurs, Solo-preneurs and/or closed corporate team members ASK YOURSELF THESE QUESTIONS: Are you committed to making the NEXT year… Your BEST year in business? Would you like to jumpstart the next quarter in business to ensure a successful year? Do you have a project or idea that you would like to launch? Are you ready to build a business and not a JOB for yourself? Are you an Entrepreneur or Solo-preneur that could use some accountability? Would you like a better work/life balance? If SO… do you have a concrete plan on how to reach your goals? If NOT… How do you expect to get there?
Most entrepreneurs and solo-preneurs have great ideas and big goals and are so busy working IN their business – it’s hard to find the time to work ON your business. And unless you MAKE the time and have someone or something that provides accountability to help you create, plan, achieve, and follow through on that plan… It’s just NOT going to happen. If any of this rings true for you… This might be the right program for you – because what you need is help and support to succeed.
Private Executive Coaching – Ongoing – Remote and Onsite:
This is the core of our business! One-on-one work with you to help you become the best, you can be. When you outsource us to become your CWO, it all starts with the ongoing support of the senior leadership team. We will come in and speak with your executives and/or you the CEO or business owner and work with you privately one-on-one to clear away any blocks that you might be experiencing for whatever reason. This will allow you to make better decisions, clearing the path for growth in the company. Have more creativity. Weather the storm with resilience. Let go of any fear or trepidation that you might occur around decision-making. Let go of the negativity and judgment from pressure filled situations. Let go of ongoing stress. In essence, this form of coaching is not your typical business coaching… it’s about helping you be the best leader possible. Both at work and at home.
Private INTENSIVE Coaching – 3 to 5 days – In person:
This type of experience is for someone that is ready to make massive changes to their life and/or business. One of our partners will come to your area or workplace and work with you intensively for a decided on period of time. It will be like having your own personalized workshop. You will receive private coaching, process work and business coaching, support, strategic planning to reignite your passion and purpose to jumpstart your life. If you, a friend, a family member, or someone on your team are currently feeling stuck, in a rut, stagnant, depressed, facing obstacles, lack of focus, dealing with an addiction, stressed and overwhelmed or are looking for a quantum leap forward in life – this will clear the past underlying issues and blocks and propel you in the right direction.
Unplug to Recharge Retreats – Specialized retreats for Teams or Executives:
As a business owner or executive you are normally under a tremendous amount of stress whether you know it or not. It’s not going anywhere… It’s part of the job. What we all need to do is take some time to completely UNPLUG from everything to allow our mind, body, creativity, decision making ability, passion, and energy to RECHARGE.
From time to time we will be offering opportunities for you to just get away for 7 to 10 days to totally unwind from your daily grind. So, that you can come back to your life, your business or team with new energy, renewed and healthy attitude and fresh perspective. This retreat is about taking – a lot of free time with daily ongoing support to help you unwind. It will include nurturing massage, meditation time, nature hikes, healthy meals, yoga to let go and relax. We will also be spending time doing some heart opening “self inquiry” to take stock and reevaluate our life and business beliefs. For those interested, we will also offer strategic planning sessions for those that wish to participate from a totally rested, relaxed and open place of being. You show up… and WE take care of everything else. We can also create specialized retreats for your team(s) that can include any of the workshops listed on this page too. If this sounds good… we have multiple locations where this can be done in your country or at an exotic beach location. This is what MyChiefWellnessOfficer.com is all about.
The Journey -
The Journey is a modality that has been used all over the world for training on healing trauma with the art of human emotion. This is a workshop that MCWO founder - Skip Lackey has taught over 250 times.
The Journey Intensive and The Advanced Skills Workshop is a three-day workshop that many participants describe as the most transformational experience of their lives. You will be fully immersed in this truly experiential workshop with innovative teaching stories, meditations, engaging practical group interaction and one to one process work, which together create a unique seminar which enables you to tap into your body’s infinite wisdom – facilitating profound transformative results in yourself – instantly and effortlessly – in incredible ways.
Find out more at - The Journey North America
Stress Reduction for Individuals and the Workplace -
We have a site that is dedicated to providing tangible tools for stress reduction through Meditation and Guided Imagery focused on “stress-reduction” tools. The link provided below will take you to our other website that will teach you about how meditation, mindfulness and guided imagery can change your life. There are free tools and also specific meditations and guided imagery for specialized issues. Go take a look at what is on offer: www.meditationprescription.com/
Dynamic Leadership Workshop or Retreat:
For Employees OR Managers wanting to be Leaders – 2 or 3-day (either onsite or retreat) What is a dynamic leader? Are people born with these qualities or are they forged in the fire of awareness and experience? Well, for most, they are learned skills. Once you become aware of “who you really are” at your core and let go of the fear of exposure, failure, power, pressure and can step into your true self. Everyone is a Leader on some level. Whether you choose to consciously step into that role and embrace your true self as a leader is up to you. This course will push you to look at aspects of your self that you might not have ever been aware of.
Finding your “BlindSpots” – 1/2 day OR 1-day (Onsite):
We all have areas in life and at work that we are not willing to look at. We are “blind” to areas that are uncomfortable, unexplored and difficult to acknowledge. Why would anyone want to explore an area in life that they are not good at? Well, this workshop gets people to stop and look at their “no-go zones” and to begin to bring awareness to these hidden areas of vulnerability. It’s designed to help you move past any fear and doubt that might be showing up. We must first acknowledge that there is an “issue” to be looked at before we can tackle a problem.
Learning to Brainstorm with the Six Thinking Hats – ½ day (Onsite):
Running an effective meeting can be difficult at times in a creative and/or competitive environment. You can have the creative’s in the group coming up with idea after idea with logistics and sales people “neh-saying” ideas left and right. This type of environment can quickly shut down a groups creativity and can also keep someone without complete confidence from speaking up in a meeting. Maybe that one idea, NOT being voiced out of fear of rejection IS the answer to the million dollar issue. The method of The Six Thinking Hats gives the entire group (in any type of meeting) the ability to be on the exact same page at all times. It creates a supportive environment that both inspires AND includes the logistical insights along with the reasons why and idea might not work too. By running a meeting with this awareness – everyone can be heard. A POWERFUL tool that can be used over and over again for the rest of your career.
STRESS No more! — (Ongoing training):
Stress is here to stay. The effects of this epidemic are at an all time high. According to the American Medical Association, 95% of ALL illness is stress related. And there is very little the medical community can do about it. Let us train you and your staff, how to embrace simple and effective tools to have immediate resiliency. These tools have been proven in numerous studies coming in from around the globe. What are they? Bring us on board to find out.
Taking AIM – As Needed (Onsite):
You and your team have decided on making some changes in the direction of the focus of your company. Ideas and passion are bubbling over and need to be captured, focused and put into a plan. It would be great to have someone run this visioning session and keep things moving with purpose and clear intention. Let us help you and your team, take “AIM” and hit your target, goals, and projections!
Transforming Limiting Beliefs – ½ day or Full day (Onsite):
This workshop looks at the limiting beliefs that permeate multiple areas of our lives. These limiting beliefs at work and at home pull the rug out from underneath you on an unconscious level. They really show up when you are under stress and pressure. Leave this session feeling lighter, brighter and able to do some things in a new and more expansive way.
Conscious Communication for Business – Level I – 2 days:
Communication is always at the core of just about ANY successful venture used in every situation imaginable. Conscious communication skills are even MORE value than you realize. Learning these tried and true methods of authentic and integrity filled levels of both conscious and unconscious communication are both fun and necessary for an open channel in ANY company. This is a fun and powerful way to learn skills that you will carry with you for the rest of your life.
Conscious Communication for Business – Level II – 1 day:
An additional day that goes creates a deeper sense of communication.
Opening into your Creativity – 2 day (onsite or retreat):
This course will open your eyes to what real creativity is. It will help you to tap into the true creativity that is in each one of us. It’s great for designers, creatives, problem solving, artists or even engineers and “code” writers. In fact… it’s great for just about everyone in your organization. Unleash the creativity of your team!
The following can be taught as individual modules or can be combined with each other to offer a wider range of workshop!
Rope Up – Leadership Game – ½ day or 1-day
This experience will challenge your leadership team on a number of aspects of authentic Leadership. We will then have a debrief session on how the team responded to the experience. It’s an opportunity for sharing what has been learned.
Picture This – Leadership Game – 1-day
This experience will challenge your leadership team on a number of aspects around the issue of communication and leadership. We will then have a debrief session on how the team responded to the experience. It’s an opportunity for sharing what has been learned.
Other Leadership Games can be developed for the specific needs of the company
The Strategic Plan –1/2 – day (Onsite)
Agility is the new Stability! Work, projects, timelines, project management is changing so quickly; long term planning although necessary can be a slow and laborious process. In smaller divisions it can be of great use to be able to implement a simple and effective accountability tool that will give each person on the team a one-page plan so that everyone is on the same page. Every quarter the Leadership team gets together to create their immediate “to do” list, who’s responsible and by when is it to be done for accountability.
Time Efficiency – 3 hour (Onsite)
This lab takes a look at the how you use your time and how a lot of time as a leader is being wasted. When you take stock in your everyday use of your day, you can be shocked at how much time is wasted. It looks at how you can delegate certain tasks and also use what are called “passion” and “purpose” days/times to actually get some new project planned and completed.
Welcome Workplace Wellness – ½ -day or 1-day (Onsite)
Workshops on healthy eating, increased energy and over all health and wellness. This is a powerful wake up call for most everyone that attends any and or all of these workshops. It helps people understand the importance of taking care of their health by what they eat, how they take care of themselves by bringing some new distinctions about wellness into their lives. Major life changes happen for people after participating in these workshops and labs.
Procrastination No More! – ½ day
Powerful “productivity work” that looks at the limiting behavior of ongoing procrastination and disengagement. This will have process-oriented work to clear the underlying issue so that you and your team can be taking aim at what really matters.
The Power of Vows – ½ day
An additional experience of looking at and letting go of old vows and promises that were made during a stressed state or an emotional experience where you “vowed” to always or never do something again. These promises are unconscious stumbling blocks to achievement. Process oriented work to clear the underlying issue.
The 7 Rules You Were Born to Break – Interactive Keynote Speech
Shhhh… this is a secret on what we do for your company or conference event. What I can tell you is that it’s a HUGE surprise that will have the group riveted to their seats and well as walking away with a new perspective on conscious interactions in the workplace.
This is just a small sampling of what we can offer you and your business. Let us know if you have special needs that are not listed here! We can and WILL design just the right experience for you and your team. We look forward to being an important part of your team.